Global Football Market Services LTD

The best way to find experts to become a professional

Global Football Market Services

Football Courses

Scouting Services

Dogancan GUNDUZ

Dogancan GUNDUZ

Founder & Owner
⚽ PFSA Licenced Football Scout
⚽ Online Consultation
⚽ GFM Asia Responsible


Founder & Owner
⚽ Former Player
⚽ Football Academy
⚽ GFM America Responsible
Engincan YAZICI

Engincan YAZICI

Executive Director
⚽ Legal Consultant
⚽ Football Agency
⚽ GFM Africa Responsible

Nazlı Hilal KAYA

Nazlı Hilal KAYA

Legal Counsel
⚽ PFSA Licenced Scout
⚽ Scouting Services
⚽ GFM Europe Responsible


Head Scout
⚽ Legal Consultant
⚽ Football Courses
⚽ GFM Austuralia Responsible

Football Market Upcoming Events

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Randevu alın, yolculuğunuza başlayın

Görüşme talebinize ve uzmana göre randevunuzu tamamlayabilirsiniz.

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